A Boat And A Shed.

Picture by th3_highlander

  • 4661
  • 9
  • 0
  • April 12, 2012
  • Nikon
  • Nikon 18-55mm
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2 ,-0, +2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes Camera: Nikon D5100. Aperture: F8. Shutter Speeds: 1/60 - 1/125 - 1/250.
nikon nikond5100 d5100 yorkshire southyorkshire sheffield landscape landscapes hdr boat boats canal building buildings day clear clouds cloudy sunny


12 Apr 06:57

A Three Shot HDR Of A Boat On The Sheffield Canal.

12 Apr 07:08

Great reflection in the water. A bit hard saturation, but in this case it suits the image well. I would have liked to see the two other boats to, but you know the limitation of the view.

12 Apr 07:22

Agree with Bjorn, again.

12 Apr 10:54

I like it, the lack of the two boats doesn't bother me since I think the emphasis is on the building and the center boat.. I like the reflections.

12 Apr 10:58

processo perfetto!

12 Apr 11:27

Very nice reflections

12 Apr 14:42

I like the process on this one

12 Apr 17:43

Superb Composition

12 Apr 19:31

Thank you for the comments and votes, I wanted to frame the boat with the building so I had to sacrfice the other boats. And for the reflections a very bright day and clear water helped.

12 Apr 20:08

Very nice. Great composition and colors

13 Apr 00:10

You did a nice balancing act on the boats and building as I see it..

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