"104 East Main Street" - Denison, Texas

Picture by mattsuess

  • 4619
  • 6
  • 0
  • June 05, 2012
  • Canon 5D Mark 2
  • Shooting Style
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Others / Photoshop
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
texas building old building


05 Jun 20:57

Blocked from the public with a chain link fence, an historic building in Denison, TX continues to succumb to Mother Nature following work done while removing a loading dock area on the left, railroad track side of the building two years prior to me photographing here in Spring of 2012. Separate court cases are preventing anything from being done to the building and it is unclear if it can be saved at this point. With each passing storm however, Mother Nature causes a little bit more damage and another brick to fall. Soon this landmark may be gone forever. To see a before photo and read more info on how I processed it follow here: http://www.mattsuess.com/blog/2012/6/-104-east-main-street-denison-texas

05 Jun 23:24

Welcome Matt, hurt the bureaucracy that can make you lose the building. On the photo, the view is excellent, the process not so much, IMHO exaggerated, causing halos evident.

05 Jun 23:45

Shamefully.. I saw similar architeture of my old High School and Grammar torn down recently. Agree with Ricardo with backing off the process accelerator. The halo's are very evident to a rookie eye as mine.

06 Jun 00:21

Thanks Rcuello and Johnt! Yes, we have halos :) To be honest, I left the halo's there intentionally (sometimes rules are meant to be broken). I decided to leave the halos in to exaggerate the separation from the building and sky, as well as the sky and fe

06 Jun 01:04


06 Jun 12:32

halo noise... but cool.. we learn together from the pros... ;) welcome ...

06 Jun 19:19

Ricardo said it all.

07 Jun 13:31

Love the perspective, crop and low angle. However tons of haloing. I think you should come back to this shot in time and process it again. It's a good shot for sure.

07 Jun 15:34

Thanks again everyone. Again, the halo's in this shot are intentional. Occasionally rules are meant to be broken :) Appreciate the comments.

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