The Masked Bandit

Picture by flipd1

  • 2197
  • 8
  • 0
  • August 06, 2012
  • Canon EOS Rebel Xti
  • 18 - 55 Canon
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2,0,+2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
Horse Trailer


06 Aug 09:52

Have you seen this horse. It has robbed 5 banks in the past week. They call him "The Masked Bandit"

06 Aug 15:47

I knew that the horses they put blinders was not to look to the sides, but all covered I never saw. Excellent definition.

06 Aug 16:26

@Ricardo, it's actually a fly mask. it Keeps the flies off of their face. They take it off when riding. They can see through the mask as it has tiny holes like a screen.

06 Aug 16:58

Superb crisp and full of detail

06 Aug 17:52

buen proceso :D

06 Aug 18:32

Background a little distracting. That horse is never going to win the Grand National....

06 Aug 19:04

@Karl, not sure how the background is distracting. I chose to shoot this pic because of the reflections of the horse on the side of the trailer and the window. I thought it was a great effect.

06 Aug 19:52

Phil, for me you are missing the main part of the subject on this image, ‘the eye’. The reflections that Karl maybe referring to are distorted. For me it’s like having a photo of your child, relative etc & blanking out the face because it’s on the interne

06 Aug 19:53

…Just being honest Phil…

06 Aug 19:57

i see karl's point and i see yours Phil, i have looked at this a few times but not voted :( my bad, its a nice shot with great detail, but not my cup of tea, sorry buddy .... I'm sure i have had or will have lots you feel the same about :)

06 Aug 20:24

Agree with inkslinger ;) ....... people don't like getting less than 8 so I'll skip on voting :)

06 Aug 21:17

Graham, the entire point of this shot was the fly mask. The horse can see us but we can't see the horses eye. THAT is the point. The title of the posting is "The Masked Bandit. The picture would actually have LESS impact if the mask was NOT on his face

06 Aug 21:24

@adrian, I rarely count off of a picture where the subject matter is "not my cup of tea". That to me doesn't seem like an accurate way to judge the merit of the picture. The elements I look for are process, POV and composition. Even if it's a subject

06 Aug 21:33

comp I don't count off. Just a difference of opinion I guess. But you will never see me on one of your pictures state, "Well, I am counting off 1 point because the subject matter is "not my cup of tea" or what ever the phrase of the day is.

06 Aug 21:34

....... as i said "nice shot great detail"

06 Aug 21:37

@laddy, So I assume with your comment that this is a 7 or 6 or 5 or even lower. I would like to know your opinion. Give me the rate as I really don't care

07 Aug 04:25


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