I know there is not too much room in this photo for a HDR process; however I would like to share with you a little bit of the history of this toy.
My grandfather built it during the World War 2. He was a pilot and he took airplane parts to build th
28 Nov 18:42
build this toy for my father, even the paint is original used on airplanes. This train was complete with the rail and wagons and this is the only remaining part.
This train is very valuable for me and I really hope you enjoy the picture.
28 Nov 21:20
05 Dec 21:10
On November 28, I had no internet at my house and saw no this photograph.
I'm not going to score because this relic deserves a better attempt.
Incredible story enjoyable by feeling it has.
05 Dec 21:12
I would like to see a photo of the train, something far and everything in focus, you can do it, I hope this post.
Nex 5n
Good photo, but not good HDR. Sorry
Hello, I know there is not too much room in this photo for a HDR process; however I would like to share with you a little bit of the history of this toy. My grandfather built it during the World War 2. He was a pilot and he took airplane parts to build th
build this toy for my father, even the paint is original used on airplanes. This train was complete with the rail and wagons and this is the only remaining part. This train is very valuable for me and I really hope you enjoy the picture.
On November 28, I had no internet at my house and saw no this photograph. I'm not going to score because this relic deserves a better attempt. Incredible story enjoyable by feeling it has.
I would like to see a photo of the train, something far and everything in focus, you can do it, I hope this post.