F430 Italia

Picture by wisonet

  • 2084
  • 10
  • 0
  • February 27, 2014
  • Canon EOS 50D
  • 10-22mm
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number
  • Editing Software Photoshop
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
ferrari f430 wisonet tamarit


27 Feb 10:24

well done

27 Feb 11:00


27 Feb 11:31

Someone needs to teach concernedozzy how to vote.

27 Feb 12:40

For around 8 months I have practiced HDR every day specialising of late in vehicles, then you appear!!! I have dug a hole in my small garden where the trusty Pentax and computer will both be buried tomorrow. I will never be good enough to produce a magnif

27 Feb 12:41

magnificent piece of work such as this. You have been added to my short list of heroes just behind Genghis Khan but in front of David Bowie. Why ever do you come to the Crème my man. With a few exceptions the members here are not fit to polish your tripo

27 Feb 12:45

tripod. Have a large and wholesome top score of 10. This is where a one size fits all 10 falls down unfortunately. I would award you 20 if possible

27 Feb 12:49

flipd1 One could say the same about you as concerned. You give this a 9 and a 10 yesterday to a water drop in a bowl that the guy admits had not been near HDR software. Billy rests his case m'lud!

27 Feb 17:01

Download looks superb.

27 Feb 17:13

Beautiful car and photo.

27 Feb 17:25

So did you billy/concernedozzy/harrishdr or whatever your user name is today. Maybe even susieanderson.. not sure

27 Feb 17:29


27 Feb 18:31

Good picture but not good HDR.

27 Feb 20:29

I like it...

27 Feb 21:52

I've seen a lot of your other image here and elsewhere and you do Terrific Work, but this one is NOT your usual Great Work.

03 Mar 16:59

Wisonet vuelve a la carga. Me encanta tu estilo. Saludos desde Barcelona.

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