“The Watchman”

Picture by steve_zasadny

  • 2086
  • 4
  • 3
  • May 22, 2021
  • Canon EOS-1D Mark IV
  • 16-35
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -3-2-1 0 +1+2+3
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop CC / Topaz Studio / Other
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes


22 May 02:06

This is a creative rendition from an HDR I did about 8 years ago. A completely new edit, however, with a little artistic license. The “0” value is the straight HDR. The warm tone consists of a new sky take about 50 miles south of Zion. The warm tones were carried throughout the shadow areas. The greens were slightly changed with a mild hue change moving greens towards yellows and yellows toward oranges. I’m going back to Zion in about ten days and hopefully will naturally get a good sky.

22 May 12:52

Howdy Partner! Well I've looked at this image in each Mode. As posted, Full Screen and Zoom several times, left for a while and came back. Looked again. For me the Best image is the HDR SWITCH image before processing any further. Changing the White Balance of the entire image is a bit too warm IMHO. Viewing the Full Screen mode, which always shows the Final Processed image BEST I see an image that is Over Sharpened. Especially the mountain Tops and Peaks. The Artistic License with the sky would have been Okay but you left the Top Right (sort of Blue area) open a bit and it is loaded with Noise. Last but not least ...........GO FIND THAT LARGE DUST SENSOR SPOT. Hey, It's just One Man's Opinion.....Jim and Anne thinks it's Fine. Look...Someone's got to keep you straight. Otherwise a Fine Pic Buddy! Thanks for posting.

22 May 12:53

Beautiful rendition. You made it look more mysterious. Well done Steve.

22 May 15:39

im not huge fan of sky replacements, apart from that great improvemnts in this new one

22 May 15:46

@eduardo_kiehl I agree with you Eduardo, in some respects I feel like it’s cheating a little. It’s seems to be a trend nowadays, though, and provokes a trip to the dark side. My real satisfaction is actually being there when a great sky presents, and capturing that perfect shot. In the short term this type of shot is just an exercise in processing, hopefully getting an improvement in my skill set for when that perfect shot is there.

22 May 18:27

@digicam Dang it Ed! Back to the woodshed again for my whupping! I agree the “non” value is probably a better HDR and probably more natural. I should have straightened it as you see in the enhanced version. That posture is better. This was a quickie and posted right away. I should never fall in love with an image until I see it ( her😀) in the morning, hence the flaws. It certainly is too warm in the foreground. I think a blend with the non of about 50% in the foreground could have pulled it off. As usual I missed the spots and noise. Again , I will check her ( the image ) in the morning before I show her off to my parents ( er ....post it ). Keep up the critiques. They are always insightful to me, help to coach others and produce a better image in the long run.

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