Marlborough Town Hall

Picture by burgor57

  • 2701
  • 8
  • 0
  • March 03, 2010
  • Nikon D700
  • Nikon 14-24mm AF-S f2.8
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2 to +2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
town hall Marlborough Wiltshire building D700 Nikon


03 Mar 11:10

Captured between showers - hand held 5 shots -2 to +2 at 400 ISO. Situated at one end of a long and wide high street with many listed buildings along it's sides.

03 Mar 11:22

A very nice photo - and hand held!

03 Mar 13:07

Nice sky! I think a good sky makes a picture.

03 Mar 19:24

Wow, nice job without a tripod. Great color and texture. Did you mask the birds in from a single frame? Good work. 8/10!

03 Mar 20:10

Thanks for the comments. I didn't mask the birds - I let Photomatix deal with that. I had to remove a couple in CS4 that wre a bit faint.

03 Mar 22:44

Excellent Capture and Processing.........9/10

03 Mar 23:26

You even captured the birds. Bravo! 9/10

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