Walking along this beach on a recent visit back to England. The sun was just going down but i was lacking foreground interest........ Then this spade got washed in by the sea! Luck or what!?
06 Sep 11:14
Great photo...Its different....
06 Sep 23:16
The bottom half is really the shot, cropped horizontally just below the reflections of the sun. That part is beautiful.
09 Sep 16:56
Another nice composition. I like. However the sun has a distracting dark halo around it and harsh gradient shifts between exposures.
09 Sep 16:56
Another nice composition. I like. However the sun has a distracting dark halo around it and harsh gradient shifts between exposures.
Walking along this beach on a recent visit back to England. The sun was just going down but i was lacking foreground interest........ Then this spade got washed in by the sea! Luck or what!?
Great photo...Its different....
The bottom half is really the shot, cropped horizontally just below the reflections of the sun. That part is beautiful.
Another nice composition. I like. However the sun has a distracting dark halo around it and harsh gradient shifts between exposures.
Another nice composition. I like. However the sun has a distracting dark halo around it and harsh gradient shifts between exposures.