Greek Restaurant with Old Wind Mill

Picture by ruhri

  • 1711
  • 5
  • 0
  • September 15, 2010
  • Canon EOS 500D
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes


15 Sep 05:42

Here, compared to the photo with which you're on the front page deservedly, IMHO there are problems. In the photo on front page the cars do not disturb, are part of the landscape, but here the cutted red car is really annoying. Also there is something wro

15 Sep 13:14

Overall a nice photo in spite of the missing from part of the car.

15 Sep 13:14

Overall a nice photo in spite of the missing from part of the car.

15 Sep 15:40

I have no idea what larsen is on about, great job Ruhri

16 Sep 03:58

I like it, but not as much as some of your others. As far as the car, red is a mean mean colour.

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