Goat on Crete

Picture by tvde

  • 2177
  • 1
  • 0
  • October 05, 2010
  • Nikon D80
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Single RAW File
  • Exposures Number
  • Editing Software Others
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes
goat animal animals warm orange


05 Oct 21:15

This picture was taken on Crete. It's a pseudo HDR created with Dynamic-Photo HDR 4.

06 Oct 03:08

Did you take one photo and make three in different exposures? I think your pseudo pic has potential. Work on bringing out more color and contrast. This needs vibrance.

06 Oct 08:02

I didn't make 3 exposures out of the photo because Dynamic-Photo HDR does this automatically. I didn't want to overdo it and compared to the original photo this one is already much warmer and more vibrant.

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