NYPD Highway Patrol

Picture by lenco66

  • 2912
  • 4
  • 2
  • November 25, 2010
  • Sony A700
  • Sony DT 18-250mm F3.5-6.3
  • Shooting Style Hand Held
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2, 0, +2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
america authority Behörde bike city Davidson Harley Highway Patrol Manhattan Motorrad North America NYPD Polizei protection Schutz security Sicherheit Stadt Strasse street Harley-Davidson HDR motorbike New York Police USA


25 Nov 22:58

When I spent some days in New York last summer I saw this wonderful NYOD motorbike. Immediately I thought about creating a HDR picture. And... here it is ;-)

25 Nov 23:05

Great job!

25 Nov 23:17

Outstanding! It jumps off the screen.....Favorite.

28 Nov 16:34

It really gets out of the picture!!!!

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