Coole Idee, ich finde auch ein klein wenig zu grell, aber sonst witziges Bild.
28 Apr 12:39
like the idea but it's for me too distorted, too colorful (i prefer it close to reality) and because of oversaturating you lost details, right you should cut the blue "player"
28 Apr 13:12
ok,ok somtimes i the lates i upload the Orginal...
29 Apr 01:46
the idea of this is great actually is neet. the achievements need improvement as there where: saturation, contrast, sharpness..............
Shhoting with Olympus Sp-600-UZ in Magical Modus
a bit oversaturated for me. nice share.
Coole Idee, ich finde auch ein klein wenig zu grell, aber sonst witziges Bild.
like the idea but it's for me too distorted, too colorful (i prefer it close to reality) and because of oversaturating you lost details, right you should cut the blue "player"
ok,ok somtimes i the lates i upload the Orginal...
the idea of this is great actually is neet. the achievements need improvement as there where: saturation, contrast, sharpness..............