ty you Iphonefarmer and pecoreproduction for comment and vote on my pic:-) an btw precoreproduction everything is blue one houer after the sun goes down in Norway;-) we often call that houer the "blue Houer" on a day like this with a lot of dark skyes, an
25 May 11:46
In my opinion a lot better than most pictures that get 10s these days!
An houer after sunset in Aremark, Norway
Nice picture but too much blue in my opinion!!
Great composition.
ty you Iphonefarmer and pecoreproduction for comment and vote on my pic:-) an btw precoreproduction everything is blue one houer after the sun goes down in Norway;-) we often call that houer the "blue Houer" on a day like this with a lot of dark skyes, an
In my opinion a lot better than most pictures that get 10s these days!
Idylisk bilde.Veldig bra
Very nice view!
Knallbra bilde med fin speiling og dybde!