Buen punto de vista. Sarandev, con humildad te doy algunos tips que he apreciado en HDRcreme: pon la mayor cantidad de detalles del disparo (camara, iso, exposición, etc.), es mas puntuado disparo mutiple y formato RAW, y por ultimo, la geolocalización de
28 May 23:07
Great composition. The forground is a nice feature of this photo. My only observations and critique involves the exposure. It appears that the highlights in the foreground on the rocks are a little washed out and the background focus is fuzzy. I have
Buen punto de vista. Sarandev, con humildad te doy algunos tips que he apreciado en HDRcreme: pon la mayor cantidad de detalles del disparo (camara, iso, exposición, etc.), es mas puntuado disparo mutiple y formato RAW, y por ultimo, la geolocalización de
Great composition. The forground is a nice feature of this photo. My only observations and critique involves the exposure. It appears that the highlights in the foreground on the rocks are a little washed out and the background focus is fuzzy. I have
agree with murfess, nevertheless fantastic shot!