Fabio, the composition and the opportunity of the decision are excellent, it hurts that some details, like a cloud with a part underexposed and part overexposed, but the color of the bushes somewhat bluish, detract.
12 Nov 20:23
Nice, would be better with Less processing
13 Nov 03:40
Nice scene, but the sky was way over-processed.
13 Nov 11:32
Black clouds and lights burned in the sky! The remainder of processing does not convince me!
Fabio, the composition and the opportunity of the decision are excellent, it hurts that some details, like a cloud with a part underexposed and part overexposed, but the color of the bushes somewhat bluish, detract.
Nice, would be better with Less processing
Nice scene, but the sky was way over-processed.
Black clouds and lights burned in the sky! The remainder of processing does not convince me!