
Picture by mau67

  • 4748
  • 7
  • 1
  • January 27, 2012
  • Canon 1000D
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2-0-+2
  • Editing Software Photomatix Pro / Photoshop
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
old roma foro italy


27 Jan 11:23

Mamertine prison or tulle (Latin Tullianum Prisons) is the oldest prison in Rome and is located in the Forum Romano.Il Tullianum was made​​, according to Livy, in Anco Marzio in the seventh century BC, although it owes its name to other traditions connecting it to the initiative of Servius Tullius Tullus or Ostilio. In the frame of the facade of the first imperial age are engraved the names of the consuls Caius and Marcus Vibio Rufino Cocceius Nerva who attended the memorial to the early first century AD, between 39 and 42. The Christianization of the complex is dated to around the eighth century, which go back to the traces of a fresco found in Tullianum, and both rooms were converted into chapels. In this same period, the place began to be called Mamertine Prison.

27 Jan 19:30

Un immagine simile non può passare inosservata.Ottimo trattamento come sempre.Desatura un pò il rosso,i cavi in alto pazienza.

27 Jan 19:40

Superb one!

27 Jan 20:10

nice shot

27 Jan 20:34

According to Tore. Legend says that there was a prisoner San Pedro.

27 Jan 20:42

Bravissimo mau

27 Jan 21:21

cloned light cables, please

28 Jan 04:13

Like the composition and the history. You may need to photoshop/hide the cables on the picture which conflict with the history.

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