Nice image, but a lack of detail and some noise. Overall a good image! 9 from me.
05 May 14:37
Some noise, and a wee bit too red colors, a litle too much yellow cast to. I like the POV, great capture. Could have been more focus to lift up details on the cloth, and the table. I can see that you have focused on the painting, but it wouldnt have been
05 May 14:38
wrong to give the rest a bit more focus eighter.
05 May 14:45
I do not understand the problem if you do not put focus of lens, or do not add a sharpening in post process
Nice image, but a lack of detail and some noise. Overall a good image! 9 from me.
Some noise, and a wee bit too red colors, a litle too much yellow cast to. I like the POV, great capture. Could have been more focus to lift up details on the cloth, and the table. I can see that you have focused on the painting, but it wouldnt have been
wrong to give the rest a bit more focus eighter.
I do not understand the problem if you do not put focus of lens, or do not add a sharpening in post process
! agree with biosted!
Agree with Bjรถrn.