Nevermore. Nevermind that was a raven. same genus, different bird. Fantastic natural process.
You are right Randall, This is a big guy, I'll change it, Tks a lot!
Great 5 take on a bird:/
How the heck did you bracket 5 shots on this guy?! Good job!
Sharp and clear, well done
natural shot, optimal
Brilliant I love it.
well shot
Clear as the driven snow - like
Great !!
Gotta agree with Bill. 5 Shots? You must have taken this at a Taxidermy. LOL. Beautiful Work. FaveD!
I think it will pass the casting for the next movie of Sir Alfred Hitchcock. Genius.
I like the texture of the raven
Outstanding work
Exceptional Fred!
I think I just got chills great picl
Nevermore. Nevermind that was a raven. same genus, different bird. Fantastic natural process.
You are right Randall, This is a big guy, I'll change it, Tks a lot!
Great 5 take on a bird:/
How the heck did you bracket 5 shots on this guy?! Good job!
Sharp and clear, well done
natural shot, optimal
Brilliant I love it.
well shot
Clear as the driven snow - like
Great !!
Gotta agree with Bill. 5 Shots? You must have taken this at a Taxidermy. LOL. Beautiful Work. FaveD!
I think it will pass the casting for the next movie of Sir Alfred Hitchcock. Genius.
I like the texture of the raven
Outstanding work
Exceptional Fred!
I think I just got chills great picl