Doctor's Cabin.. circa 1838

Picture by johnt

  • 2603
  • 19
  • 1
  • July 08, 2012
  • 24mm-840mm PS zoom
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number -2..0..+2
  • Editing Software Photoshop / Photomatix Pro
  • File Format JPEG
  • Notes Had to shot over a retainer fence at restricted angle to avoid paying price of admission to this cabin so could not open more spacing on right as I would have liked.


08 Jul 12:43

Can't compete with some of the fine photo's today so will use one of my remaining two pics shot to ask a question. I had a comment yesterday from a long time, experienced poster on my pic to show more evidence of HDR. All shots I enter here are 3 exposure shots blended in Photomatix then touched in PS Elements. I don't have RAW capability so any re-touch and Saves lose pixels with each and some are saved several times. So.. using this pic to guide an answer from.. what precisely is an HDR effect..?? Perhaps my pictures off my point and shoot aren't even HDR in reality even though multiple exposure shots. If I am not really getting HDR effects with what I have to work with I might spend my time more wisely working on single shot photography even though I know my multiple exposures are far better than my single exposure photo's coming off my little point and shoot with exception to moving shots. So.. any help explaining what is a true HDR effect would be highly appreciated. Good luck to all as there are some excellent shots out today. I've seen a few Wow.. but waiting on someone to post a Double WOW. :)

08 Jul 12:48

First you should save your HDR when it comes off of Photomatix as a TIF file. That way you don't get the loss of quality and pixels when you open and close the file.

08 Jul 12:51

Second, Yes you can get the true HDR with jpeg. You are just enhancing the colors, shadows, details and highlights as well as other things to get the result you would not be able to get otherwise.

08 Jul 13:26

Thanks for assist Phil. I read that somewhere about saving as Tiff but will have to read further to fine out how to convert back over to JPEG when done?

08 Jul 13:51

I see quite a bit of HDR effect in this 3 shot process John. Superb when one considers what you use to process with. Will PM you on my thoughts. Too Lenghty for this section.

08 Jul 14:11

Nice light. Wood and stone are very helpful to achieve hdr

08 Jul 14:30

The pic has great potential John - I like it very much, but I still think better processing is needed. Please read my PM!

08 Jul 15:00

A big thanks to Phil for your thoughts on Tiff and the tip by Leo.

08 Jul 15:16

A Huge Thanks to both Ed (Digicam) and Vendenis (Ven) for the long detailed private messages. Great job of explaining what is HDR Ed.. great job of explaining how I can get more out of the small amount of capability I have with my limited equipment Venny.

08 Jul 15:22

John commented the photo and PM you say what I think of HDR. For me this is a good example of HDR, I have not seen the original but I guess not much to do with this result, lights and shadows without loss of detail, perhaps the composition central.

08 Jul 15:30

For some shadows are left totally black, for others it is a mistake ... It does not bother me. Just a few high lights burnt in the leaves ... Nice take!

08 Jul 16:00

@sanackas ??????!!!!!I do not see any burned up in it.........

08 Jul 16:45

This is perfect for me. John, try 4.2 version, you don't need Photoshop anymore.

08 Jul 16:50

Agree on centered comp Ricardo as I noted in Notes. Shot of opportunity over security fence zoomed from about 40 meters back and there was heavy cloning if I opened up the right side of frame for better comp as I would have liked. Sometimes compromise bec

08 Jul 16:53

becomes a necessity as I didn't want to pay to go inside the compound. :)

08 Jul 17:01

Heard you comment about Photomatix 4.2 the other day to someone Fred. Thanks as I do have 4.1. Will check out the 4.2 as obviously it has improved your personal work from your recent photos.

08 Jul 17:04

A great shot John, I love that house and the bricks

08 Jul 17:13

Nice image.

08 Jul 18:55

Agree with pandarino

08 Jul 19:07

Looks pretty darn good to me John. HDR effect is very subjective, depending on what you want to achieve. The main thing is to capture the entire tonal range. Whether you do it as 'soft', 'painterly' or 'grunge' is entirely up to you (although you don't st

08 Jul 19:38

Harl is right, HDR is supposed to mimic what your eye actually sees, but a lot of people dont like the surreal effects that can be achieved, I actually do though.

08 Jul 19:39

Sorry Harl, I meant to say Karl

08 Jul 20:10

My thoughts on what is Hdr: All images require a different process, some will take hard process & others will not, some will take painterly & grunge others will not. My aim is to try & keep as close to a natural look as possible to what my eye saw when ta

08 Jul 20:12

what my eye saw when taking the photo, and then I see how far I can push the boundaries. How you get these processes correct I canโ€™t tell you as I donโ€™t have the experience that of a lot of members on here do. Any way John sorry got carried away (9).....

08 Jul 20:31

Again.. thanks to all of you for the help as I have learned much today by asking the question. :)

08 Jul 20:46

muy buena no veo muy quemada la zona

08 Jul 21:14


08 Jul 21:20

Superb indeed, cant agree with the dirty whites since it so small. . .

08 Jul 21:21

Superb indeed, cant agree with the dirty whites since it so small. . .

08 Jul 22:11


08 Jul 22:49

3 jpg are HDR...

09 Jul 09:29

This is a very well done from me John.

26 Jul 11:52


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