A beachfront sculpture vancouver
- 2174
- 15
- 1
- August 02, 2012
- Nikon D300
- TOKINA 12-24MM
- Shooting Style Hand Held
- Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
- Exposures Number -3,-2,-1,0,+1,+2,+3
- Editing Software Photomatix Pro
- File Format RAW
- Notes
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Click or download one looks much sharper.
Original! Nice shot!
great POV
Hey Fred, I opened the pic and had to duck. This is 3D for me. Strong POV and comp
WTH... haha
Great point of view, it defies gravity.
Wonderful comp. Also, very nice processing on the photo, great job.
Great POV.
superb pov
Amazing picture. They really are out there...
Interesting POV