Another great find at a recent car show. So many photo opportunities, but these headlights caught my attention.
Hope you like it!
comments, suggestions welcome.
18 Sep 06:23
18 Sep 10:34
Great... I like the tone on the car
18 Sep 12:33
cool subject
18 Sep 16:24
If the photo yesterday
had had this contrast, this power,
would have been perfect.
In this case maybe the car in the upper left corner distracts attention from the main object.
Another great find at a recent car show. So many photo opportunities, but these headlights caught my attention. Hope you like it! comments, suggestions welcome.
Great... I like the tone on the car
cool subject
If the photo yesterday had had this contrast, this power, would have been perfect. In this case maybe the car in the upper left corner distracts attention from the main object.