nice shot, it would be nice to see a few more details about the shot, then we could offer tips :)
28 Oct 13:50
Welcome, nice first post, the image looks natural, maybe something more contrast in some areas, try to do a flip horizontal, so that the main subject is to the right, the blue box detract the work.
28 Oct 15:07
I think the blue frame don't help in this case.
28 Oct 15:14
dont know how to remove frame?
28 Oct 15:20
How do flip horizontal?
28 Oct 15:32
Thank you for welcome and tips, new to all this. cameras,computers, software, O.A.P. none teckky,but up for it!
Why does it have to be so difficult?
great work
nice shot, it would be nice to see a few more details about the shot, then we could offer tips :)
Welcome, nice first post, the image looks natural, maybe something more contrast in some areas, try to do a flip horizontal, so that the main subject is to the right, the blue box detract the work.
I think the blue frame don't help in this case.
dont know how to remove frame?
How do flip horizontal?
Thank you for welcome and tips, new to all this. cameras,computers, software, O.A.P. none teckky,but up for it!
Black or NO frame would be better imho.
Thank you all for your tips, No more frames!