1734 - formed by the Krafla volcano in an eruption that lasted 5 years.
12 Mar 18:46
Nice clouds. Where was this taken?
12 Mar 23:05
Just answered my question. Couldn't see the location on my cell phone. Northern Iceland. Nice. How much to you get a chance to see? I was able to shoot for 8 days from Snaefellsness to Jokulsarlon but had rain almost everyday. Nice clouds though but rained out often. Look forward to seeing more of your images. On my bucket list to get back.
1734 - formed by the Krafla volcano in an eruption that lasted 5 years.
Nice clouds. Where was this taken?
Just answered my question. Couldn't see the location on my cell phone. Northern Iceland. Nice. How much to you get a chance to see? I was able to shoot for 8 days from Snaefellsness to Jokulsarlon but had rain almost everyday. Nice clouds though but rained out often. Look forward to seeing more of your images. On my bucket list to get back.