Alter Elbtunnel

Picture by axel_hahn

  • Bei den Sankt Pauli-Landungsbrücken, Hamburg, Deutschland

  • 2879
  • 4
  • 2
  • February 20, 2020
  • Canon EOS 40D
  • 50mm
  • A 8
  • f 50mm
  • EV Between 1/30 and 5.2 seconds
  • ISO
  • Shooting Style Tripod
  • Shoots Number Multiple Exposure
  • Exposures Number
  • Editing Software Lightroom / Photomatix Pro / Photoshop CS
  • File Format RAW
  • Notes
Hamburg germany tunnel underthebridge CONTEST


20 Feb 19:04

This tunnel was a technical sensation when it has been finished in the year 1911. There are two tubes with a lengh of 426 m (1,398 ft). It is located below the water table of the elbe in a depth of 24m (80 ft) beneath the surface. Vehicles are carried down to the tiled tunnels by lifts. Even today the tunnel is used by many people for reaching their workplaces in the Port of Hamburg.

20 Feb 20:37

Nice work. I bet you had to get there early to capture with no people

Updated 22 Sep 19:52

Thanks for your comment. No, as far as I can remember it was captured it in the early evening. But I needed a lot of time to capture pictures without people. The good thing is that there are two of these tunnels and on the other hand there are people with bicycles and lights...

20 Feb 22:02

Like your take on this Tunnel. It looks very similar to the Tunnel in my home town as far as the Tiled Walls and Ceiling but not as long or deep in distance. The one here is a Two Lane Tunnel and was built in the late 50's. Good Clean Capture. Thanks for sharing the image and info.

20 Feb 22:28

I’m on my iPhone so am squinting to see the light at the end of the tunnel??. Nice shot!!

22 Feb 14:27

Fantastic picture

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