A good image. I would recommend tilting the camera up. This would keep the horizon from splitting the image in half, show the top of the clouds and eliminate some of the plain foreground. Good strong leading lines.
19 May 22:39
Much mediocre photos got many high ratings today, I wonder why nobody voted on this one. It is a superb post.
20 May 08:41
This is really well done but leveling the camera would have been even better.This deserves a 10 for processing alone.Well done :-)
A good image. I would recommend tilting the camera up. This would keep the horizon from splitting the image in half, show the top of the clouds and eliminate some of the plain foreground. Good strong leading lines.
Much mediocre photos got many high ratings today, I wonder why nobody voted on this one. It is a superb post.
This is really well done but leveling the camera would have been even better.This deserves a 10 for processing alone.Well done :-)